INT-DS2 is a new generation DVB-S/S2 Modulator for satellite broadcasting. This product fully complies ETSI300421 and ETSI302307 standards and due to possessing several features it is considered as one of the best modulators in this class available in the market. The main feature of this product is its high level of reliability which guarantees the highest uptime in the network. This modulator not only accepts MPEG transport streams on ASI interface but also fully supports TSoIP and special care was taken to cope with jittery transport streams over IP. On the other hand the modulated carrier is available either on L Band or IF frequencies including 70 or 140 MHz through separate connectors. It should be mentioned that when IF output is activated a replica of signal is also available on L-band output on a fixed frequency for monitoring purposes.
INT-OEM2000 as an OEM modulator for satellite broadcasting fully compliant with DVB-S/S2 standards. Great level of reliability and excellent performance of this system is the outcome of several years of experience and proven expertise of Intech Company in manufacturing modulators for satellite broadcast applications. INT-OEM2000 currently supports all transmission modes defined in DVB-S2 and parts of DVBS2x standard. The maximum throughput of this modulator is currently 200Mbps. Such a significant capacity makes it possible to transmit 40 SD quality or 10 HD quality video programs coded by H.264 via a single transponder which is a significant ability for broadcasters. Taking advantage of novel techniques and extensive simulations in designing the RF analog front-end of this product has caused the output signal spectrum to be free of any spurious components and at the same time having a very low noise floor
The INT-PDR is a multi-standard (DVB-T/T2 and DVB-S/S2) receiver with extremely high tuning sensitivity. This receiver is able to receive DVB Terrestrial or Satellite RF signals and deliver the demodulated MPEG stream on DVB-ASI interface which is conventional in distribution networks. Moreover INT-PDR-T01 is equipped with an IP encapsulator to provide the capability of streaming received MPEG packets over IP networks. INT-PDR-T01 is capable of performing BISS decryption as a widely used scrambling method. Another noteworthy feature of this product is the embedded web server which makes it possible to configure and monitor the instrument remotely as well as the front panel. Achieving the highest reliability has been the main target of designers of this feature-rich product. This fact makes it a great choice for a wide range of professional applications including signal monitoring in TV stations or transmitter feeding in regenerative relay networks.
INT-RMX is an innovative, feature rich re-multiplexer suited to a wide range of re-multiplexing applications including cable and terrestrial regional head-ends and telecom distribution systems. Compactness and efficiency along with high level of flexibility and reliability are considered as main attributes of this product. This re-multiplexer is equipped with a variety of inputs that ensure compatibility with all transmission media. It generally receives up to eight transport streams through its RF interface or external ASI inputs. All the input streams are thoroughly analysed and a list of available services is constructed for the user. Thanks to the existence of two independent multiplexing cores the user will be able to generate two dissimilar transport streams by recombining existing input sources. INT-RMX is capable to perform component layer as well as service layer multiplexing. This ability makes it a distinctive re-multiplexer in comparison with similar products available in the market. Another noteworthy feature of this product is the ability to perform BISS decryption as the most widely used encryption algorithm.
Intech audio/video digital MW portable link, INT-PDML-HD1, is a versatile, easy to use, easy to carry and rugged digital portable link. It is a unilateral radio link with a set up time less than 20 minutes. It interfaces directly to cameras of any type at the transmitter side without any additional equipment in between. The variety of standard inputs and outputs and wide range of supply voltage are considered as main features which make INT-PDML-HD1 a highly flexible solution. Utilization of multicarrier modulation and advanced channel coding techniques according to EN300744 and EN302755 standards has caused superior resiliency and robustness of link in urban as well as rural environments. Putting all above in a nut shell, INT-PDML-HD1 is a highly economic, flexible and reliable solution for TV reportage applications or live covering of events.